Friday, March 15, 2013

St. Patrick's Day

Around St. Patrick's Day we always practice ABC Order.   I gave them leprechaun cards with 5 words on them.  I was able to differentiate by giving highter students ABC order to 2nd or 3rd letter.  Each child got what they needed!! They had to write the words in ABC order and then use the word in a sentence.  These cards are in my St. Patrick's Day Pack O'Fun!  Click here here if you would like that.  It's on SALE from now until the 17th!!

Next, I had them cut out BIG words from a newspaper.  I didn't tell them why.  After we had all the words cut out and the mess cleaned up, I told them we were glueing them in ABC Order on a green piece of paper!!   We glued on Mr. Leprechaun to hold the paper!!  Cute in the hallway!   And they loved it!!  No idea they were learning!  :D

We also worked on Greater Than and Less Than!! Using the signs to compare is new to them. Earlier this week I used several different visuals (pacman, alligator,etc) to model the < and > signs and how they work. So today, I pulled out the St. Patrick's Day boys and shamrocks. They worked with a partner to make 8 Greater Than Less Than sentences that were true. Then they recorded them on the paper.  They did a great job.  If you would like a copy of this, it is available in my TPT store.  Click HERE.

Look at the difference in the first 3 pictures and the last 2 pictures!!  NOTE TO SELF...When you get a new phone, remember to remove the plastic that is covering the camera!  :D


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