Have you ever realized you need a sub at the last minute and had a full blown panic attack because you knew getting your act together was going to be IMPOSSIBLE??? Have you ever gone to work SICK because you were too SICK to do all the prepping for a sub? We have all been there. Wellllllllll PROBLEM SOLVED! We created and used this pack last year to see if it was helpful, and OMGoodness was it ever. Once we put in all the information we were set for an entire year. In this pack you will get everything you need to create a binder with all the pertinent information a sub would need to run your class smoothly, as well as activities for each day of the week. You will put in all of your information for the binder first, then take your time making the copies and filling the file folders with everything a sub would need for the day. We included reading, math, and writing that would work on any day of the week. In no time you have a Substitute Survival Kit- which will include an info binder with procedures and tub of activities, one for each day of the week - and suddenly being out of the classroom will be stress free. We included everything we could think of that a sub might need. The activities are geared toward K-3, but many parts of this could be used in any grade. All you will need to add will be 5 ANYTIME read aloud books that are not tied to a holiday or season. Pop them in the folder with the student sheets and you are ready. We hope you find it as helpful as we have. We ♥ hearing from you, so please let us know how it works for you in your tpt comments. I can honestly say this was a LIFE CHANGER!
Once you have it set up, you are ready for the entire year!!!
The Lesson Plans are easy to set up and super easy to follow. Each day of the week is different.
Your classroom procedures take a little time to fill out, BUT once you have it in there, they are a life saver! And they won't change much from year-to-year. That'll make next year even easier!
You can get this must-have resource here!

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