This is a cute little game to go along with an ocean unit, or to use anytime of the year. It works like a cake walk. As the children listen to music (preferably a little reggae music, Bob Marley, Bobby McFerrin's "Don't Worry Be Happy"), they walk around the room like a crab might walk, and stop on a number when the music stops. It's a great way to work on listening skills and have fun at the same time. It is also good for the little ones to practice recognizing numbers to 24. There are no cakes to win, but as each person gets out, we give them a package of goldfish crackers, or gummy sharks, so it makes losing a lot less painful. The winner, or last one standing, gets a snack and a sticker. You could also make them the winner if their number is called and they WIN a yummy snack. Your choice. Have FUN!
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